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Zcst under testing
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ZCST is a Zambia Computer Studies Teachers an app which is under trial and testing and we would like you to be among those doing the first beta version
DOWNLOAD NEW VERIFIED STA FORM 1 The instructions here below are available on a pdf as posted by the Ministry of General Education download here OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT TEACHING SERVICE COMMISSION RECRUITMENT OF TEACHERS FOR 2021 The Teaching Service Commission is inviting applications from suitably qualified candidates to be employed as Teachers during the 2021 Teacher Recruitment exercise. Candidates must meet the following: 1. Must be a Zambian National 2. Must be between 18- 45 years old 3. Must be registered with the Teaching Council of Zambia 4. Must be ready to work anywhere where their services are required for a minimum period of four years before applying for a transfer 5. Must have completed and graduated in 2016 or earlier. EARLY EDUCATION 1. Must have a Grade Twelve School Certificate or a General Certificate of Education with five (5) Credits or better, including English. 2. Must be from an accredited Teacher Tr...
Sketchware is the app that you dont need to be an expert to design or making a working app but you just need to be creative and quick to learner at your parse therefore in this tutorial we are going to learn on how to design a simple login & sign up forms in sketchware. Open sketchware and create a new project the name as you wish and on Main actitivity & drag drop a linear(V) and rename the ID as main_container. and inside main_container drag & drop a linear(H) and rename the ID header_container and in the header_container drag & drop image view and rename the ID as logo make sure you center in. drag & drop add a linner(H) and rename the ID as loglbl_container and inside it drag and drop the textview and rename the ID as log_lbl and give its name as Login. drag & drop linear(V) and rename the ID as login_container and inside it drag & drop 2 textviews and rename the first id as log_email and its hint as email and the second id ...
PROCEDURE IN SUBMITTING THE APPLICATION STA FORM 1 DOWNLOAD Step 1: Download the edited STA Form 1 which has one option for District and Province Step 2: Fill in 2 copies of the STA Form 1 and attach all the necessary documents Step 3: Put the Documents in an A4 Envelope Label on the top left Corner the Category Applied for and your qualification; Eg: Primary School Teacher: Degree. Step 4; Address these to the District Human Resource Management Committee of the District you have indicated on the STA Form 1. Step 5: Send to that District Office using the EMS at the Post office. Please visit your Debs for more information
3,600 teachers’ jobs on cards The Ministry of General Education has identified about 3,600 frozen positions that should be opened up. A recommendation has been submitted to the Ministry of Finance for funding. Government is concerned that some teachers have been in acting positions for as long as 10 years, when the normal waiting period after a position is frozen is three months. Ministry of General Education director human resource and management Musonda Kapulo said this during the Basic Education Teachers’ Union of Zambia (BETUZ) pre-administrative meeting here yesterday Source:
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